Inside Clemson

Collaborations in Service-Learning 2013–14 Annual Report available

Clemson’s Collaborations in Service-Learning 2013 – 14 Annual Report is now available online. Entitled Breaking Boundaries: Creating Transformational Experiences for Students, Faculty, and Community, the full report can be accessed here.

A web-based publication of the Clemson University Service Alliance, the seventh edition of Clemson Collaborations in Service-Learning features the work of Clemson faculty participating in the Clemson University Service Alliance Faculty Fellows program.

Written by the faculty, the articles in Clemson Collaborations include faculty and student reflections on their service-learning projects during the 2013-2014 academic year.  This year’s report also includes a link to a webcast that will give readers  more specific information on each project, and may also include interviews with student and community partners working on the project.