
ML3 FTX (FLRC/Day Land Nav.)

September 26, 2014

On the 20th of September 2014 the Junior class conducted trainingML3 3 at Fant’s Grove, Clemson Army ROTC’s training area. This training started with a field leaders reaction course (FLRC) and finished with day land navigation. FLRC is training event oriented at growing leaders by using critical thinking and teamwork to overcome difficult obstacles. There were three separate events each squad had to overcome. The first was The Minefield, Cadets had to make it across a 20 foot gap using boards to reach from platform to platform.  Along with the squad, the Cadets had to get a heavy item across too. The next event, The Bridge Crossing, had Cadets make it across a notional ravine using a rope bridge and the equipment given. Cadets had to rely on prior training of how to tie Swiss seats to make it across safely. This event also required the transportation of a heavy item. The final FLRC event was the Electric Fence. Cadets had to make it up and over a 4 foot wall using two logs. The event had extra complications for Cadets where they couldn’t stand within 4 feet of the wall. The last training event for the day was day land navigation where Cadets plotted five points on their maps and had to find four of them within three hours to pass. Cadets used their maps and compasses as well as terrain to navigate the course to find their points. Overall, the training developed the Juniors and help prepare them for the many events that are yet to come in their Army careers.

ML3 5 ML3 2ML3 4

University Events