COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, ARTS AND HUMANITIES – Rod Andrew (History) and Eric Touya (Languages) led a group of Clemson students to Paris and Normandy in France during the summer. The aim of the course was to revisit the journey of the American soldiers during WWII from a French perspective. Through this journey, the students analyzed and reflected on the meaning and purpose of the GIs’ actions and experiences, and on the current place and role of France and the United States in the world.
ARCHITECTURE – David Allison, Byron Edwards and Deborah Wingler attended the American College of Healthcare Architects’ Educators and Summer Leadership Summit 2019, July 26-28 in Chicago. They were joined by Clemson alumni from the Architecture + Health program, Rachel Matthews and Leah Meer, who were invited as Next Generation Scholars.
PERFORMING ARTS – Becky Becker gave an invited talk and presented a workshop in July as part of “Overnight Sensations” at Mill Mountain Theatre and the Playwright’s Lab at Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia. In addition, Becker co-authored an article with Camille Bryant, Andrea Frazier, and Amanda Rees, “Children as Community Planners: Embodied Activities, Visual-Spatial Thinking, and a Re-imagined Community” for the journal Children’s Geographies.
HISTORY – At the Agricultural History Society Centennial anniversary annual meeting June 6-8 in Washington, Vernon Burton chaired and commented on a session titled “Organizations and Identity.” He was also recognized at a special plenary session as a former president of the society. On July 4, he was quoted in the Seneca Journal on the meaning of the Fourth of July.
HISTORY – Professor Emeritus Elizabeth Carney published “Royal Macedonian Widows: Merry and Not” in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 59, pp. 368-96. The article ponders whether widows in the royal Macedonian monarchy were like ordinary widows – more independent than otherwise but seen as sexually threatening – or whether they were treated in a distinctive way: Did they have to marry the next king? Were they more likely to be murdered? Were they empowered or endangered by having a son too young to rule?
LANGUAGES – Bo Clements and Jason Hurdich attended Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training sessions June 10-14 in Atlanta. The sessions were presented by All Hands On, an organization dedicated to educating government officials on the importance of applying the CERT standard for emergency preparedness to the Deaf community. The ASL instructors earned 40-hour certifications and learned about CPR, mental health first aid, weather spotting, and how to stop bleeding.
HISTORY – Caroline Dunn presented “The Resilience of Medieval English Queens and their Ladies” in June at the University of Catania in Sicily, Italy. This was the eighth annual Kings and Queens conference, which this year was organized around the theme of “Resilience, Continuity, and Recovery at Royal Courts.”
HISTORY – H. Roger Grant published “‘Super-Railroads’: The Vision of John W. Barriger III,” in Classic Trains 20 (Summer 2019), pp. 46-53. He also delivered a public lecture, “The Rock Island Takes Shape: The Iowa Main Line Experience,” on June 15 at the James H. Andrews Railroad Museum in Boone, Iowa.
LANGUAGES – Jason Hurdich was an honorary guest at May River High School’s commencement ceremony June 4, when one Deaf student, Rodney Nunez, was graduating. In addition to serving as an ASL interpreter, Hurdich met with Nunez and also Eliana Adame Moreno, a Deaf student graduating from Hilton Head Island High School. The invitation came after Hurdich shared a video about both students made by the Beaufort County School District. WJCL-TV in Savannah covered the graduation surprise and the school district produced another video.
ARCHITECTURE – Anjali Joseph and the team from the Center for Health Facilities Design and Testing (CHFDT) authored a paper that was published in Applied Ergonomics in July, “Using a Systems Approach to Evaluate a Circulating Nurse’s Work Patterns and Workflow Disruptions.” In addition, Joseph, Deborah Wingler and other CHFDT researchers recently kicked off the CU@HOME project. The study explores the development of a technology-based intervention that assess the home and community environment to prevent falls in the home and support aging in place. The purpose of the CU@HOME feasibility study is to clearly understand all aspects of the problem, and to explore potential data needs, data sources and technological solutions required to develop the intervention.
ENGLISH – Michael LeMahieu’s chapter “The Novel of Ideas” was published in “The Cambridge Companion to Ian McEwan” (Cambridge University Press, 2019), edited by Dominic Head.
PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION – Professor Emeritus Bill Maker delivered a paper, “The True, the Good and the Beautiful in Jane Eyre,” at the 35th annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Division of the American Society for Aesthetics, July 12 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
LANGUAGES – In July, Tiffany Creegan Miller presented her research at several international conferences in Guatemala. At the Congreso de Estudios Mayas from July 3-6 in Guatemala City, she presented her research on pedagogical uses of Kaqchikel children’s songs in bilingual education classrooms: “Ri tijoxela’ yeb’ixan pa qach’ab’äl: Ri taq b’ix kichin ri ak’wala’ chuqa’ ri b’anob’äl kaqchikel.” Miller was one of three academics based in the United States who presented research in the indigenous language, instead of Spanish. Miller presented on onomatopoeic K’iche’ oral poetry at the Guatemala Scholars Network Conference July 11-13 in Antigua. She presented on K’iche’ poet Humberto Ak’abal’s work at the Runimaq’ij ri Wuj chi Iximulew (Feria del Libro de Guatemala), which ran July 16-19. While in Guatemala, Miller also gave an invited talk about the translation of Kaqchikel Maya literature at Oxlajuj Aj, an indigenous language field school hosted by Tulane University. The presentation “Nuevas aproximaciones a la (auto-)traducción de literaturas escritas en idiomas indígenas de Abia Yala” took place July 10 in Antigua.
HISTORY – A revised edition of Edwin Moise’s book “Tonkin Gulf and the Escalation of the Vietnam War” has been published. It includes details from intercepted North Vietnamese naval communications that had not been released at the time of the first edition.
ARCHITECTURE – Winifred Elysse Newman was appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Technology. Architecture + Design (TAD), a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in the field of building technology and its translation, integration, and impact on architecture and design. Newman also was selected to be a Watt Faculty Fellow at Clemson University for 2019-20.
PERFORMING ARTS – Tony Penna published an article in the United States Institute for Theatre Technology’s Quarterly Review, “Innovative Uses of Technology for Accessible Teaching, or Improvise, Adapt, Overcome,” which highlights his experiences adapting a stage lighting course to make it accessible for learners with varying abilities.
PERFORMING ARTS – Shannon Robert exhibited her work in the Prague Quadrennial PQ 2019 from June 6-16 as one of 50 selected American professional performance designers. She participated on a panel with the Broadway Green Alliance and Quebec Green Alliance to discuss sustainable practices in American theater. Robert also was invited to be a guest presenter for the Dramatist Guild of America’s Certificate of Dramatic Writing. The guild is the premiere membership association of playwrights, librettists, composers and lyricists writing for the stage in the United States. In June and July, Robert joined the Hollins University MFA playwriting faculty to teach design (for new play development) and Company Management for their certificate in directing. Shannon designed the new devised performance for the Marfa Intensives (July 28-Aug. 9) with Texas Tech. She also designed the “Children of Eden” set for Aurora Theatre in Atlanta and did scenic touch up work for the national tour of “Rent.”
HISTORY – Michael Silvestri published the book “Policing ‘Bengali Terrorism’ in India and the World: Imperial Intelligence and Revolutionary Nationalism, 1905-1939,” which is part of Palgrave Macmillan’s “Britain and the World” series.
LANGUAGES – Eric Touya read a paper titled “Professional Career Paths in French and International Business” at the American Association of Teachers of French Conference held July 14-17 in Philadelphia. He discussed the French and International Trade bachelor’s degree offered at Clemson University, how it is organized, the study abroad experience, internship opportunities and the career paths that it offers.
ENGLISH – Jillian Weise co-edited (along with Khadijah Queen and Peter Catapano) the second installment of poetry by disabled writers for The New York Times. “We Will Not Be Exorcised” appeared on June 15.
ART – Valerie Zimany presented the paper “Hanazume – Interpreting Packed Floral Patterns Across Ceramic History” at the biannual International Ceramic Art Education and Exchange (ISCAEE) symposium June 24-July 3 at Dankook University near Seoul, South Korea. She also demonstrated her recent work in 3D printing and clay (facilitated by a CU SEED faculty research grant) as a workshop for the 200 attendees from 15 ceramic programs in nine countries. She was joined by MFA student Sara Mays. Zimany and Mays displayed artwork in the International Society for Art Education and Exchange exhibition at Dankook University’s art museum. The articles and artwork were published in the symposium’s journal and catalog. Zimany presented a lecture on “The Clemson Anagama: Wood-firing in South Carolina” at Utatsuyama Craft Workshop in Kanazawa, Japan. While there, she also gave an artist talk as a key collaborator on the project “English as a Foreign Language in Higher Education Contexts of the Ceramic Arts,” which was supported by a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Kakenhi) Grant with Mark Hammond, associate professor at Kanazawa University, as its principal investigator.