Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

ChBE Community Outreach 2018

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering strives to make an impact on their community, whether helping to rebuild a nearby park, or sharing the excitement of engineering and science with local elementary, middle school, and high school students.  Stone Academy “Science Fun Day”:   Dr. Scott Husson volunteered his time, knowledge, and resources to help […]

“Giving Back” – Silas and Sofia Wong – The Dr. Mark Thies Fellowship Endowment

Silas and Sofia Wong both received their B.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering at Clemson University in 1995 and 1994, respectively. They met during the beginning of their undergraduate studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Silas received his B.S. in Biology at McGill in 1990, and Sofia was two years behind him. Silas acquired a […]

“Leaving a Legacy” – The Class of 1963 Endowment

In May 2011, the Class of 1963 ventured back to the hallways of Earle Hall for a class reunion. At that time, some of them hadn’t been here since graduation day – 48 years earlier. This first reunion rekindled past friendships and stirred up plenty of memories of their days here at Clemson, and their […]

“Paying it Forward” – Dr. Stephen and Patricia Melsheimer Endowment

In 1961, Dr. Stephen Melsheimer started his academic career as a Chemistry major at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. However, the Chemistry curriculum did not motivate him, and his grades began to suffer. After his fall sophomore term, Dr. Melsheimer decided to give Chemical Engineering a try and switched his major. It was […]

Dr. Blenner and Dr. Sarupria Receive Tenure

The ChBE Department would like to congratulate Dr. Mark Blenner and Dr. Sapna Sarupria, who have both received Tenure and been promoted to Associate Professor. The Blenner Research Group uses biotechnology to solve pressing challenges in sustainable production of chemicals, nutraceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, and biological sensors. Ph.D. and undergraduate students in the group have worked on […]

Sept. 20, 2018 ChBE Seminar Speaker – Dr. Daniel Linder- Medical College of Georgia Augusta University

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering welcomes Dr. Daniel Linder, an assistant professor of biostatistics and data science at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, as a part of the ChBE 2018 Fall Seminar series. Dr. Linder’s research interests are in developing statistical methods for dynamical systems and Bayesian methods for high-dimensional data […]

ChBE Summer 2018 Undergraduate Research Highlights

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering strives to go beyond the classroom to provide a hands-on research experience for students. This summer, our department hosted several undergraduate students, students from other departments at Clemson, and students from other universities to conduct research. The ChBE research opportunities provide an enriching learning experience for our undergraduate […]

ChBE Alum Thang Nguyen Featured in Greenville Business Magazine

A Greenville Business Magazine article about engineering in the Upstate of South Carolina features ChBE class of 1999 alumnus, Thang Nguyen. As a chemical engineer working at a sprawling plant at FUJIFILM Manufacturing USA, Inc. in Greenwood, Nguyen discusses the importance of engineers to the Upstate. The Greenville area ranks at the top of the […]

ChBE Alum Kavitha Ganesan Arms Receives Young Alumni Award

ChBE alumna Kavitha Ganesan Arms (ChE 2001) received the Outstanding Young Alumni Award at the Thomas Green Clemson Academy Banquet in April. Selected by a review committee made up of senior faculty members, alumni, and college advisory board members, The Outstanding Young Alumni Award honors a College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences graduate age 40 […]