Civil Engineering

Tuyen Le Awarded NSF Grant for Intelligent Hearing Protection

  Dr. Tuyen Le was awarded and NSF Grant to investigate a new wearable hearing protection technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to amplify safety-critical sounds and help locate their source, while greatly attenuating ambient noise. This Future of Work at the Human Technology Frontier project will create intelligent hearing protection devices (HPDs) for workers […]

Clemson Hero of the Game

J. Richard Cottingham is a 1966 Civil Engineering graduate. While serving with the Navy Seabees in Viet Nam, his Company Commander was killed in action, and LTJG Cottingham was promoted to Company Commander of Delta Company of the 121st Seabees. Delta Company provided combat construction support to the 1st Marine Division including roads, bridges, helicopter […]

Kristi Baker Completes University Staff Development Program

Kristi Baker, Graduate Student Services Manager, is a graduate of the most recent cohort of Clemson University’s Staff Development Program.  The program is a year-long endeavor that offers Clemson University staff an opportunity to grow professionally and personally by voluntarily participating in various developmental and relevant service activities.  Kristi was one of 25 staff members […]

Large Scale Evacuations

Evacuations are protective actions involving the movement of people from a hazardous area to a safer location. Evacuation can be advised for numerous hazards, such as hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, wildfires, and nuclear power plant issues, which vary in the amount of warning available and the time available to prepare and travel to safety. This book […]