School of Computing


Nearly deaf and blind, Miriam Lozneanu thrives through perseverance and a positive attitude. MIRIAM LOZNEANU EXTENDED HER CANE, signed to her interpreter and headed out the door of the Hendrix Student Center. She went down the steps and crossed the street by herself without a stumble or hesitation.Thousands of students cross that street every day. But Lozneanu is legally blind and partially […]

Cracking the Code

Madison Maddox thrives on caffeine, late-night brainstorming sessions, and the triumphant moments when hard-fought goals are achieved. The junior computer science major and Clemson University Honors College student from Beaufort, South Carolina, says her biggest challenge is prioritizing time management while navigating a schedule packed with academic and extracurricular activities. Among Madison Maddox’s many activities […]