Southeastern Resilient Forest of North America

About the Team

Dr. Puskar N. Khanal

Dr. Puskar N. Khanal

Associate Professor of Forest Economics and Management at Clemson University

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Dr. David C Clabo

Dr. David C Clabo

Assistant Professor in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at The University of Georgia

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Dr. Susan T. Guynn

Dr. Susan T. Guynn

Outreach and Evaluation Extension Specialist for the Clemson Cooperative Extension Service

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Dr. Adam O. Maggard

Dr. Adam O. Maggard

Alabama Cooperative Extension System Specialist and Associate Professor at Auburn University

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Dr. Kozma Naka

Dr. Kozma Naka

Associate Professor at Alabama A&M University

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Steve McNulty

Steve McNulty

Director of the USDA Southeast Climate Hub and Ecologist at USDA Forest Service Eastern Threat Center

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Dr. Skip J. Van Bloem

Dr. Skip J. Van Bloem

Professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University

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Michael Gavazzi

Michael Gavazzi

Coordinator for the USDA Southeast Climate Hub

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Our Collaborators

Asija Rice

Heirs Property Assistant Manager

Guy Sabin

Vice President of Forestry

Melissa Kreye

Director, Forest Owner Carbon and Climate Education (FOCCE) program

Gregory Cooper

TNC Southern Blue Ridge Forest Ecologist

Patrick Ma

Conservation Forester at The Nature Conservancy of South Carolina

Helen Mohr

Forester, Tiger Fire Program

Leslie Boby

Southern Regional Extension Forestry


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