Engineering and Science Education

Benson Wins Award for Workshop Presented at Engineering Education Conference

Dr. Lisa Benson, associate professor in engineering and science education, pictured first row second from the right, was recently honored with the Helen Plants Award for Best Nontraditional Session at FIE 2014, along with her collaborators, at the IEEE Frontiers in Education 2015 Conference. This award was established in 1980, and is intended to recognize […]

Fall 2015 Seminar Speaker Schedule

Below is the fall seminar speaker schedule. Abstracts and titles for each speaker will be posted with individual events closer to the date. ESED Seminars are held in 109 Rhodes Annex every Friday from 11:15-12:15. September 18: Matthew Boyer, School of Education, Clemson September 25: Nancy Healy, Georgia Tech October 9: Lynn Michaluk, West Virginia […]

ESED’s Julie Martin (co-PI) and Bioengineering’s Frank Alexis (PI) awarded International Research Experiences Grant

The National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Frank Alexis (PI, Department of Bioengineering) and Dr. Julie Martin (co-PI, Department of Engineering and Science Education) a new International Research Experiences for Student (IRES) grant. The objective of this project is to develop globally-engaged science and engineering undergraduates. To achieve this goal, the grant will provide under-represented […]

ESED and IE Collaboration Claim Best Paper Award in ASEE IE Division

Congratulations to Justine Chasmar, Brian Melloy and Lisa Benson for winning the Best Paper Award in the Industrial Engineering Division at the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington, in June 2015. Their paper and presentation, “Use of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies by Second-Year Industrial Engineering Students,” was very well-received, and many people at the conference […]

Continuing to Unpack the Knapsack – SoCap Group Wins Diversity Award

Six member’s of Julie Martin’s SoCap Research Group were awarded the ASEE ERM Best Diversity Paper Award for their conference paper titled: “A Series of Singular Testimonies: A New Way to Explore Unearned Advantages and Unearned Disadvantages”. The SoCap group shared with the ASEE community a new interview method to illuminate visible and invisible forms […]

Adam Kirn, Alumnus, Receives 2015 Apprentice Faculty Grant from ERM

Dr. Adam Kirn, a 2014 graduate of the Engineering and Science Education Ph.D. program at Clemson, is one of four individuals to receive a 2015 Apprentice Faculty Grant from the Education Research and Methods (ERM) Division of the American Society for Engineering (ASEE). This award recognizes the outstanding potential of faculty members who are new […]

NSF Funds Collaborative Research to Understand “Invisible Diversity” Across Engineering

A new study, recently funded by the Division of Engineering Education and Centers at the National Science Foundation, seeks to understand diversity across engineering disciplines in an entirely new way. The project, “Intersectionality of Non-normative Identities in the Cultures of Engineering,” promises to provide educators with practical ways to more effectively recruit, educate, and retain […]

ESED Assistant Professor, Julie Martin, Named to ASEE Working Group

The board of directors of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) appointed Julie Martin to an executive working group on engineering access and affordability. The working group, consisting of 12 members from around the country, is examining these complex issues with the goal of providing a report to ASEE that summarizes the issues, discusses the roles […]

Lisa Benson Invited to Conduct a Teacher Enhancement Workshop at Georgia Tech

Collaborating with colleagues at the Center for Enhancement for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech, Dr. Lisa Benson was invited to do just that. Dr. Benson conducted a Teaching Enhancement Workshop called “Developing our Students as Problem Solvers” at Georgia Tech on January 15, 2015. Thirty graduate students, faculty and post-docs attended from disciplines in […]

New Student Organization in Town

By Aubrie Pfirman The Clemson Society for STEM Education, or CSTEMEd, is the new student organization for Engineering and Science Education, a unique group for both graduate and undergraduate students. It is for any student who has been, currently is, or wishes to be involved with STEM education, STEM education research, and/or STEM outreach. Our […]

Recent ESED Graduate Awarded Top Honor by NARST

Dr. Allison Godwin, who graduated in August 2014 with a Ph.D. in Engineering and Science Education, has been awarded the 2015 Outstanding Doctoral Research Award by the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). NARST is a worldwide organization focused on improving science teaching and learning through research. Dr. Godwin’s dissertation titled, “Understanding Female […]

Virginia Tech Selects ESED Student for Future Faculty Workshop

Congratulations to Courtney Faber, a Ph. D. candidate and NSF Fellow in the Benson research group, who was selected to participate in the sixth annual Future Faculty Development program on January 11 – 14, 2015, at Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus. A diverse group of 19 graduate students and post docs from different disciplines attended, sharing […]