Engineering and Science Education

Kris Frady and Karen High to Study DEEP Engineering Technology

Engineering technology plays an ever-increasing important role in the nation’s infrastructure and capacity for innovation.  In 2014, more than half of all engineering credentials awarded were to people completing engineering technology (ET) programs at community and technical colleges, yet little is known about the role of ET in the workforce.  To study key aspects of two-year degree and certificates programs, NSF awarded a grant worth $274,879 to Dr. Kris Frady, assistant professor in Educational and Organizational Leadership Development (EOLD) with a joint appointment in ESED, and Dr. Karen High, ESED professor.  Over the next two years, the Clemson team will partner with the University of Arkansas and Tri-County Technical College to understand the professional identity development, institutional culture, and formation of engineering technicians and technologists that will lead to better career pathways.

Developing Engineering Experiences and Pathways in Engineering Technology Career Formation (D.E.E.P. Engineering Technology Formation), 9/1/2018 to 8/31/2020, $274,879, Frady PI and High co-PI.