Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Alumni Spotlight – James Henderson

Dr. James Henderson – Project Director, DuPont Corporate Remediation Group – Latin American Region. Prior to studying at Clemson, James received his BA in Spanish from Dickinson College, and a Masters in Environmental Sciences from California State University. Early in his career, he worked with the ADEPT Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA, where he […]

EEES Welcomes Two New Staff

Two new staff members have recently joined the department in the Brackett Hall office. Briana Peele joined the EEES department in December as the new Administrative Assistant in Brackett Hall. Prior to Clemson, she worked at Tri-County Technical College as an Administrative Assistant and an Adjunct Biology Instructor. Briana is an alumna of Clemson (2012) […]

Hydrogeology Symposium to be held on April 6, 2017

This year’s annual Hydrogeology Symposium will be held at the Madren Center on April 6, 2017, with field trips on April 5 and 7, and May 4. The field trip topic this year is Geology of Dupont State Forest and the Standingstone Quadrangle, SC and NC. The keynote speaker for the event is Dr. Kamini […]