Genetics and Biochemistry News

G&B hosts Research in Progress Symposium

On Monday, December 16th, the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry held its semi-annual Research in Progress (RIP) Symposium, where graduate students give a 20-minute presentation on their research. This year’s presenters included Sabrina Pizzaro, Xiaotong Chen, Amara Onoh and Chia-Lun (Allen) Wu. Titles of Presentations Sabrina Pizzaro: Putative Sodium/Proton Exchangers in Trypanosoma brucei Xiaotong Chen: […]

December Grad – Bryson Woodard ’24

For the last few years, Bryson Woodard BS ’23, MS ’24 has been a staple around the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry and the Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center (EPIC), first working as a lab manager for the Morris lab as a biological sciences undergraduate and then as a graduate student. Bryson graduates on Thursday with […]

December Grad – Helen Kiser ’24

December genetics graduate Helen Kiser ’24 has made the most of her time here at Clemson – whether she was performing research, going to football games, volunteering or studying with friends at the library. Originally from Maryville, TN, Helen’s minor was biological sciences, which led her to be a part of Dr. Antonio Baeza’s lab, […]

Faculty and students receive grants – Fall 2024

Dr. Hong Luo has received a $650,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to study the unintended consequences of three site-specific DNA recombination systems commonly used to genetically engineer target crops. 5th year Ph.D. student in Dr. Jennifer Mason’s lab Josh Turner was recently awarded an Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS) travel grant […]

Faculty and students recognized with honors – Fall 2024

Director of the Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovations Center (EPIC) and professor of Genetics and Biochemistry Dr. Kerry Smith has taken a role with the Clemson University School of Health Research (CUSHR) as campus research director for the Prisma Health Education and Research Institute (PHERI). Dr. Robert Anholt served on NIGMS COBRE Phase 1 reviews – Special […]

Faculty publish articles – Fall 2024

Dr. Kelsey Witt Dillon published “Late Pleistocene onset of mutualistic human/canid (Canis spp.) relationships in subarctic Alaska” in Science Advances. Dr. Shahid Mukhtar published “CD2 expressing innate lymphoid and T cells are critical effectors of immunopathogenesis in hidradenitis suppurativa” in PNAS. This research was highlighted in a Clemson News article. Professor Emeritus Dr. Julia Frugoli, […]

Our Students Are Successful – Kate Doran ’27

If you’re in the sciences, odds are you’ve crossed paths with Kate Doran. Maybe in your genetics or biochemistry or anthropology or engineering or chemistry or biology courses. Kate seems to be a jack of all trades in the College of Science. Originally from Stephentown, New York, Kate is a junior double majoring in genetics […]

Master’s student Woodard recieved Honorable Mention for poster at ASM meeting

At the American Society of Microbiology Joint Branch Meeting of South Caroina (SC ASM) on November 9th, biochemistry and molecular biology master’s student Bryson Woodard received an Honorable Mention for his poster presentation titled, “Construction and Characterization of Transgenic Cell Lines for the Analysis of Glycosome Heterogeneity in Trypanosoma brucei“. Bryson works in Dr. Meredith […]

Mukhtar interviewed by Authority Magazine

Authority Magazine recently highlighted Professor Shahid Mukhtar’s work and career journey in science in the article, “AgTech: Shahid Mukhtar of Clemson University On The New Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Agriculture.” The interview for the article is done by Martita Mestey and the questions asked give great insight into Dr. Mukhtar’s life and career. Read the […]

Caldwell named Rhodes Scholarship finalist

Elizabeth Caldwell, senior genetics major, has been selected as a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship, one of the most prestigious and selective major fellowships available to American college students. The Rhodes Scholarship, a fully funded postgraduate award which enables talented young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford, is recognized […]