
PECHA KUCHA event + mixer

September 20, 2016

Flyer for built-environment Pecha Kucha 2The Clemson University/College of Charleston Graduate Program in Historic Preservation is excited to announce the first Pecha Kucha event for Charleston students of the built environment. Students from the following programs will deliver fun and fast-paced presentations on their academic work:

Clemson University/College of Charleston Graduate Program in Historic Preservation

Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston (CAC.C)

Interiors Department at the Art Institute Charleston

Historic Preservation & Community Planning Undergraduate Program at the College of Charleston

American College of the Building Arts

The event will take place at the Clemson Design Center in Charleston located at the Cigar Factory, 701 East Bay Street, Suite 202. Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 27th at 5:30 pm!

Questions? Ask assistant professor Amalia Leifeste at