By Jackie Todd, Office of Public Affairs
Crime. You never think it will happen to you, but when it does, it will change your life. Every 60 seconds at least 24 people in the United States are vicitims of rape, physical violence or stalking by someone they know. A U.S. Department of Justice study indicates that 13 percent of college students reported stalking incidents within a six- to nine-month period.
To educate faculty, staff and students and to reduce the incidence of campus crimes, Clemson University has joined other higher education institutions across the nation in recognizing Campus Safety Awareness month. Each week in September, the Clemson University Police Department, Clemson’s Undergraduate Student Government, Redfern Health Center and other university departments will host a number of campus events to share information, create awareness and promote crime prevention. The events lead up to the annual Campus Safety Walk at 6 p.m. Sept. 25.
Some planned campus events include:
- CU Safe alert registrations at the Library Bridge, Brackett Hall and Bryan Mall on Sept. 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25.
- Sexual Assualt Awareness workshops on Sept. 11 and Sept. 17
- Identity theft, workplace violence and conflict resolution workshops for faculty & staff on Sept. 5, 11, 19 and 25
- A child seat safety brown bag lunch at noon on Sept. 17
Click here for a complete list of campus safety month events. Check the university calendar for more details.
Campus safety tips and information:
- From CUPD:
- From CU Safe page:
- From Redfern:
- From TigerOne:
- From the CU Student Handbook: