Inside Clemson

Starlett Russell Craig, retiree – June 28, 2020

Starlett Russell Craig, 72, former director of Academic Outreach for the Charles H. Houston Center for the Study of the Black Experience in Education at Clemson University, died Sunday, June 28, 2020, at her home. A native of Asheville, Craig retired in 2015 after 25 years at Clemson. She was a graduate of Spelman College. […]

John A. Martin – Student

John A. Martin, 21, passed away this week. Martin was a senior majoring in forest resource management from Easley, South Carolina. He also worked for the student radio station at WSBF during his time at Clemson. “John was a valuable member of the Clemson Family, and we are deeply saddened by his passing,” said Chris […]

Student Code of Conduct updated

The Division of Student Affairs recently unveiled a new Student Code of Conduct, effective immediately. The revised code is the result of a three-year process that outlines a new procedure for adjudication of issues involving suspension or expulsion. “We believe this updated document serves students in a manner that is consistent with Clemson University’s core […]

SPECIAL INSIDE CLEMSON: University officials urge awareness to ensure 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) preparedness

Clemson University officials are working to provide information to students, faculty and staff on how to take appropriate preventive measures related to health and wellness. Clemson University is not aware of any 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) diagnosis of any students, faculty or staff; this is a proactive measure to provide information to the campus community. […]

Graduation set for Dec. 19 in Littlejohn Coliseum

More than 1,300 students will receive Clemson University degrees in two graduation ceremonies on Thursday, Dec. 19. They are scheduled for 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in Littlejohn Coliseum. In addition, Ph.D. candidates will participate in a doctoral hooding ceremony at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, in the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts. Magnetometers […]

Clemson professors trying free open-source online homework platform

By Carolina Kredensor Class of 2019 The Clemson Libraries recently secured a grant from Clemson’s Information Technology Student Advisory Board (ITSAB) to support an open-source online homework system called WeBWork. Many instructors in lower-division math, science, engineering and business classes that are heavy in mathematical calculations, use online homework platforms that collect and grade student […]

Kuskowski named interim associate vice president for enrollment management

The provost has appointed David Kuskowski, director for University Admissions, as the interim associate vice president for enrollment management, effective September 6, 2019. Kuskowski will retain his position as director of admissions while assuming the role vacated by Chuck Knepfle. In his interim role, Kuskowski will manage the personnel, budgets, technology and operations of the Registrar’s Office, […]

Institutional Research launches interactive factbook

The Office of Institutional Research has launched a new Clemson University interactive factbook. The factbook contains current and historical data about Clemson University, including information on students and employees. New features include graduation and retention information and historical trend information, as well as filters allowing users to create customized views. A new software, Tableau, is used […]

New financial aid director moving forward, honoring past

By David Seguine, Class of 2018 Clemson’s financial aid department gained a new director, but she is no rookie to how the department operates. Elizabeth Milam, who was the department’s senior associate director, assumed her new role during the summer. The longtime administrator has held multiple positions in financial aid, so she knows the ropes. […]

Support veterans through two Clemson programs

There are two ways Clemson faculty, staff and students can support veterans who have just completed their service or who served long ago. Green Zone Training There will be two Green Zone Training sessions this semester on Monday, Sept 25, and Tuesday, Nov. 7. Green Zone Training provides faculty, staff, and students with an understanding […]