Department of Languages

Touya, Eric

The Case for the Humanities: Pedagogy, Polity, Interdisciplinarity. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.

Countering the perception that the humanities are unessential, this volume contends that their well-being has not only academic but also cultural, political, and existential ramifications. Our technologically-driven world possesses the means of its own destruction, while economic and financial policies undermine the very existence of our democracy.

Students, alumni and faculty form Clemson Club in Japan

From Clemson World: A group of alumni, former faculty, exchange students and current students are beginning the process to form a Clemson Club in Japan. They recently gathered in Tokyo with a group of about 12, including former faculty members Toshiko and Yuji Kishimoto, at an izakaya (a Japanese gastropub) for drinks and food and […]

Department hosts 44th Annual Declamation Contest

On October 22, 2016, the Department of Languages hosted the 44th Annual Declamation Contest. This poetry recitation contest brings together middle- and high-school students from South Carolina and Georgia, who come to the Clemson campus for the day to show off their language skills. This year, almost 500 students from 27 middle and high schools registered […]

Department hosts International Forum for German and Spanish in the Professions

The Department of Languages and the German and Spanish Programs hosted the International Forum for German and Spanish in the Professions on September 28, 2016. This conference, the sixth in the annual German conference series, was held in the Hendrix Center Ballroom on the Clemson University campus. German companies from the region with markets and investments […]

Faculty member Stephen Fitzmaurice receives award to establish South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center

Jeannie Davis, College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities September 19, 2016 Stephen Fitzmaurice Image Credit: Clemson University CLEMSON — Stephen Fitzmaurice, assistant professor of American Sign Language interpreting at Clemson University, has been awarded $1,011,547 from the South Carolina Department of Education to establish the first South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center at the University Center […]

New faculty, Fall 2016

The Department of Languages welcomed the following new faculty members at the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester. Michael (Mikey) Barrett, Lecturer of American Sign Language Mikey grew up in the southwest suburbs of Chicago and graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and he earned a Master […]

Department welcomes new faculty member with joint tenure-track appointment

The Department of Languages welcomed new assistant professor Arelis Moore de Peralta on July 1. She begins a joint tenure-track appointment with the Department of Youth, Family and Community Studies, where she has served as a research assistant professor with the Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life since 2011. In her new interdisciplinary role, Moore de Peralta will […]

Department of Languages sponsors symposium on Russia and China

The Department of Languages served as a sponsor of the International Symposium on Comparative Intellectual History: Russia and China, a three-day event held in June at the Beijing Center of the University of Chicago in Beijing, China. Other sponsors included the Capital Normal University in Beijing and the University of Chicago. The conference featured plenary speakers from […]

Schmidt, Johannes

Rainer, Godel and Johannes Schmidt (eds.): Herder Yearbook 13 (2016).

In memoriam: Dre Martin, L&IH graduate

Clemson mourns the death of Chardrevius “Dre” Martin, 22, of Dewy Rose, Georgia. Dre passed away on May 20, 2016. He graduated in May with a degree in Language and International Health (L&IH) and served as the president of the L&IH Society. He studied abroad in Seville, Spain, where he also completed an internship. Dre was […]