21 Department of Languages students earned the Global Seal of Biliteracy, an international credential which recognizes a candidate’s proficiency in two or more languages. Proficiency is recognized on working, functional, and professional levels. This semester, the Global Seal of Biliteracy was awarded to students representing Spanish (19), French (1), and Japanese (1). The students earning […]
Stephen B. Fitzmaurice, The Role of the Educational Interpreter: Perceptions of Administrators and Teachers, October 2021
While educational interpreting has been studied for decades, the research has historically focused on the tasks educational interpreters are engaged in during their work day.
The Department of Languages and Language and International Health (LIH) is excited to present the 2021 Language and International Health Symposium on Thursday, October 21st. The symposium will address the ACEs impact on the health and development of children in Latinx communities and strategies to prevent negative outcomes.Guest speakers will include LIH senior Natalie Claypool, […]
Elizabeth A. Winston and Stephen B. Fitzmaurice , Editors. Advances in Educational Interpreting. September 2021
In this follow up to Educational Interpreting: How It Can Succeed , published in 2004, Elizabeth A. Winston and Stephen B. Fitzmaurice present research about the current state of educational interpreting in both K-12 and post-secondary settings.
Four College of Arts and Humanities alumni were recently listed in Greenville Business Magazine’s “Best and Brightest Under 35” issue, which features outstanding young professionals from the Greenville and Upstate SC area. Tori Wallace-Babcock (M.A. Real Estate Development), Catherine Crandall (B.A. Modern Languages – Japanese), Holly McKissick (Lang and International Trade – French), and MaryEllis Petrosian […]
Translation of Georg Brandes’s Friedrich Nietzsche. 《 尼采传》格奥尔格.勃兰兑斯 著, 安延明 译. 译林出版社. Yilin Press, China. 2021
This volume is perhaps the ideal introduction to the life and work of Friedrich Nietzsche, as it allows the reader to appreciate his great impact and originality at the time that he was writing.
Peebles, Kelly Digby, and Gabriella Scarlatta. Representing the Life and Legacy of Renée de France . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021.
This book considers the life and legacy of Renée de France (1510–75), the youngest daughter of King Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne, exploring her cultural, spiritual, and political influence and her evolving roles and actions as fille de France , Duchess of Ferrara, and Dowager Duchess at Montargis.
Barnes, Leslie and Joseph Mai (eds.). The Cinema of Rithy Panh: Everything Has a Soul. Rutgers University Press, 2021
Born in 1964, Cambodian filmmaker Rithy Panh grew up in the midst of the Khmer Rouge’s genocidal reign of terror, which claimed the lives of many of his relatives. After escaping to France, where he attended film school, he returned to his homeland in the late 1980s and began work on the documentaries and fiction films that have made him Cambodia’s most celebrated living director.
On Friday, April 9, the College of Arts and Humanities held its annual awards ceremony to honor the exceptional achievements of CAAH students. The in-person ceremony, which was initiated with live music performed by the Clemson University String Quartet, was attended by the honorees, CAAH Faculty, Chairs of the Departments, Dean Nicholas Vazsonyi, and Associate […]
Following up on our January 2021 post on signed music, Department of Languages’ Dr. Jody Cripps, Assistant Professor of ASL, has shared some developments in the topic of signed music. Dr. Cripps’ research was mentioned in two Talk Back discussions with the cast and crew of “The Black Drum”, the first full length signed music […]