Mechanical Engineering

ME Students Attend Space Delegation in DC

Mechanical Engineering students Matthew Welch and Eric Roper where selected to attend the Citizens for Space Exploration delegation May 20-23 in Washington DC. Our ME students were 2 out of the 29 engineering student chosen from across the country to attend the delegation. The delegation attended congressional office meetings to give their perspective on America’s […]

Progressive Automations Sponsors Capstone Design Course Group

Progressive Automation is a sponsor for Group B of the Boeing Project in this semesters ME 402 capstone design class. The productes provided will be used to create a operating prototype of a linear lifting system used to lift and lower the driller. Progressive Automation provides a number of linear motion solutions and products. For […]

ME Graduate Student Poster Competition – Spring 2013

On March 4th was the second annual poster competition for ME graduate students sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council. The event was held in the atrium of the Fluor Daniel building to coincide with the External Advisory Board meeting. Students presented their work in the form of posters and explained them to the […]

Prospective National Scholars Visit Mechanical Engineering

On Saturday, February 23, 2013, over 30 top high school students and their families from around the country visited Clemson University as semi-finalists in our National Scholars Program. Many of these visited Engineering and Science Departments and two of these visited the Mechanical Engineering Department. Mr. Chris Healey from Winston-Salem, NC and Mr. Henry Camp […]

AGI Donates Pneumatic Gripper for Capstone Design Course

AGI manufactures a complete range of high quality sophisticated Pneumatic Automation Products for Industrial Automation. The company headquarters is in Trumbull, CT, USA. AGI has provided, in kind, equipment to support a capstone design project performed by students at Clemson University. The capstone project is sponsored by Parker Hannifin-TechSeal Division. For more information visit:

Dr. Yue Wang Awarded a 2012-13 University Research Grant

Congratulations to Dr. Yue Wang, who was awarded a 2012-13 University Research Grant. Dr. Wang received the $10,000 grant for her proposal, “Self-Sustainable Robot Swarms by Exploring Diversity and Specialty”. The proposal is one of nine (9) proposals to be funded from a total of twenty-nine(29) submissions received for the 2012/2013 University Research Grant Committee […]