Michelin’s Tweel
November 22, 2014
Dr. Joshua Summers was quoted in The Greenville News article about Michelin’s Tweel. [Read More]
November 22, 2014
Dr. Joshua Summers was quoted in The Greenville News article about Michelin’s Tweel. [Read More]
November 19, 2014
ME undergraduate students in ME 4020 have been working on driverless vehicles for their industry sponsored capstone design projects. Their work has been feature in Clemson’s Newsstand and on WYFF4 News.
November 6, 2014
Clemson University will begin offering graduate-level mechanical engineering courses at the Lowcountry Graduate Center in January to help fill the need for highly educated workers in the Charleston area. Students who enroll in this program will now be able to work toward a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering without leaving the Lowcountry. [Read More]