November 16, 2018
Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad was invited to speak to the Department of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee on November the 13th, 2018. Below is a link to an abstract of the talk.
October 9, 2018
New research from the groups of Drs. Bostwick and Saylor is featured on the back cover of Soft Matter. Xingchen Shao, a PhD student, led the effort to shed new light on the motion of waves on the surface of ultra-soft gels. Such gels are widely used in bioprinting and tissue engineering applications and understanding […]
February 7, 2018
On Thursday, 01 February 2018, Clemson University hosted the SAE Carolinas Student Night in collaboration with the SAE Carolina Section and Greenville Tech’s Center for Manufacturing Innovation (CMI). Students from Duke, NC State, Georgia Southern, UNC-Charlotte, NC A&T State, UNC-Ashville, and Clemson exhibited their mini baja and formula cars as well as airplane. The students also […]
September 27, 2017
Please join us on October 7th for the Mechanical Engineering Departmental Tailgate hosted by the M.E. Graduate Student Council. We will start four hours prior to kickoff in the area in front of the Fluor Daniel building near the sculpture. Food and beverages will be provided and door prizes will be given away. Family, friends, […]
October 28, 2015
On October 16th ME students visited Midway Elementary School in Anderson, SC to volunteer with their “Morning STEAM” program. During their visit they helped the elementary students make something that could fly/glide.