
MRED Alumni Presentation: Laura Allen Stevenson

October 14, 2014

The program was pleased to host MRED ’09 Laura Allen Stevenson on October 14, 2014 for a presentation on Global RE Opportunities with ExxonMobil.  As a Commercial Portfolio Manager with ExxonMobil in Houston, TX, Laura manages a portfolio of non-operating surplus real estate sites.   Sites are deemed surplus by the various ExxonMobil business lines and are then transferred to her group where they manage the sites and handle the disposition of each site. They are a group of 10 individuals managing ExxonMobil’s surplus real estate worldwide.  Laura’s current portfolio is approximately 100 sites and covers Texas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina and Arizona. She manages various types of dispositions, which include sales, bundle sales, conservation easements, donations, etc.   Each site has a different prior use and could be a former refinery, former terminal, reserve drill site, vacant service station, greenfield, etc. The prior use of each site determines the appropriate highest and best future use of the site and which disposition type is appropriate.