
ULI 2015 San Francisco, CA

October 16, 2015

MRED Student Tour of Pier 70

MRED Student Tour of Pier 70

All MRED students and faculty attended the Fall meeting of the Urban Land Institute in San Francisco, CA from October 4-8, 2015. The five day trip began with ULI Mobile Workshop tours in downtown San Francisco. Tours for the MRED students included: The New Center of San Francisco: The Transbay District, Office Re-use Shining Up Old San Francisco Spaces for Creative New Uses, and Spin Old Into Gold: Residential Adaptive Re-Use. The fall meeting and tours focused the concept of “building for change” and used San Francisco as a technology city to explore developments for real estate investment.

MRED students also got an exclusive presentation from Alan Owings and his colleagues at Forest City on the development of Pier 70. Pier 70 built the first steel ships on the Pacific and is the oldest U.S. civilian shipyard. Today, Pier 70 is “a mix of vacant land, deteriorating buildings, storage and staging areas that restrict public activity and waterfront access behind chain linked and barbed wire fences.” On the tour, MRED students learned about the history of the site and gained insight into Forest City’s 26 acre master plan that will accommodate all uses. Click here for additional information on Forest City’s work with Pier 70.

At keynote sessions students heard from former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and attended the Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016® Session. Students also had the opportunity to choose additional concurrent sessions to attend and heard presentations ranging from deal negotiations to shark tank sessions and an array of topics in between.