
MRED Program Hires New Director, Dr. Dustin Read

August 6, 2021

Dr. Dustin Read

New MRED Program Director, Dr. Dustin Read, speaks to 1st year MRED students.

It is an exciting start to the 2021-2022 academic year with a return to in-person classes and the matriculation of 22 outstanding new students. Most importantly, we have welcomed an extraordinarily well-qualified new director, Dustin Read.

Dr. Read possesses an impressive background in research, teaching and administrative leadership. He is nationally recognized as a scholar and is well-known for his exceptional teaching skills. In addition to being named director, he has been promoted to full professor.

Before becoming the Clemson, he held positions as an associate professor, chair of the Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management, William and Mary Alice Park Fellow and associate director of the undergraduate real estate program at Virginia Tech. Dr. Read also served as the director of UNC Charlotte’s M.S. in Real Estate program. His Ph.D. in Public Policy is from UNC Charlotte and his law degree is from the University of Missouri. Additionally, he earned an M.A. in Real Estate from the University of Florida.

Prior to academia, Dr. Read’s professional experience included retail investment sales with Hulston Investment Corporation and vice president with Cushman and Wakefield. He is a NAIOP Fellow and the American Real Estate Society’s Practitioner Research and Best Paper Awards recipient over numerous years.

I look forward to supporting Dr. Read and his new initiatives for the program as I continue with MRED as a faculty member. Looking back, I am grateful and humbled for the opportunity to lead and be a part of an exceptional program. My tenure as director was built upon a foundation created before me and Dr. Read will carry on and elevate the stature of the Program. As we resume some in-person events, Dr. Read will be visiting our Advancement Board Directors, MRED alumni and many supporters across the Carolinas and Georgia.

I was blessed to stay on and teach under founding director Terry Farris after receiving my Ph.D. in 2009. Terry created the foundation for what became my dream job. In addition to working with him, I developed lasting friendships with others who were instrumental in the success of MRED. Amy Matthews Herrick has been amazing and deserves so much of the credit for creating the unique chemistry within the program. My dissertation advisor and former interim program director, Barry Nocks, is a valued mentor and an inspiration to me. Likewise, department chair, John Gaber, has become a close friend and a highly respected leader over the past four years as we navigated difficult circumstances. Our full-time and adjunct faculty members are outstanding, with a good balance of academic and professional experience. I also owe a huge measure of gratitude to our Advancement Board for Real Estate Development. Their leadership and generosity is unsurpassed. Chairs Emeriti Doug Gray, Chris Pearce, Dan Pattillo, John Whitaker, Russ Davis, Dave Chandler and current chair Emily Bridges were always willing to provide keen insight and support. The ABRED Directors and their willingness to help our students with fellowships, networking, and serving as adjunct professors and tour hosts have made the students’ time in the MRED Program a remarkable experience.

I was appointed director of the program in 2011 when we were still based on the main campus in Lee Hall, prior to its renovation and expansion. The practicums were taught off-campus in unique locations, including a former pet store and converted trailer. We have come a long way. I had two major goals when I became director: relocate the program to downtown Greenville and reduce the time-to-degree. We were a two-year, full-time program on campus but with the help of Dr. Farris and associate director of student services Amy Matthews Herrick, both goals were achieved. Today, we are housed in the beautiful ONE mixed-use complex on Main Street and our time-to-degree has been reduced to 18 or 12 months depending upon the experience level of the incoming student. Both changes have enabled the program to expand and attract students who would not have considered our program before. We are now more geographically diverse, and the experience level of our incoming students has increased. Our students are highly marketable and many of our alumni are enjoying successful careers in the real estate profession. Although there are challenges ahead with increased competition, the program is having its best days. It is a good time to relinquish the directorship with an exciting future before us. Every successful graduate program should have a change in leadership to bring in a fresh sense of energy and new initiatives. I am pleased this transition has taken place with Dustin Read and I look forward to following our 260 alumni who are always welcome to drop by and lend me a hand on our 170-year-old house. Remember, it is an easy walk from the ONE building

Go Tigers!

Robert C. Benedict, Ph.D.
Professor of Practice
Master of Real Estate Development Program
Clemson University