Occupational and Environmental Safety

OES hopes everyone had a safe and happy holiday break. Please help us welcome our newest staff member, Andy Bowman

OES Safety Specialist, Anderson (Andy) Bowman will provide safety-related support to faculty, staff and students in the Greenville and Greater-Greenville area Clemson campuses and sites. 

Andy is married with two daughters and currently blessed with five grandchildren.

He started his career as an Emergency Medical Technician for Pickens County EMS and subsequently moved into the fire service at Easley City Fire Department. From there, he entered into the Safety and Health field working in the construction and manufacturing industries with Fluor Daniel, Inc. and Suitt Construction on a variety of nuclear and chemicals and plastics projects. He had the pleasure of managing the safety and health program at a Sea World Orlando project called, Discovery Cove, as well as the primary electrical installation at the Boeing 787 Plant in Charleston, S.C. Before coming to Clemson, for the last ten years of his thirty-five year career, he has worked in reactive-chemical and water-borne adhesives manufacturing.

Andy’s office is located in Greenville at CU-ICAR, Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. Graduate Engineering Center, 4 Research Drive, Greenville, SC 29607. Feel free to stop by and say hello.

Hazardous/Biohazardous Waste 2024 Holiday Schedule

Due to the upcoming CU holiday schedule the following will be the last dates for waste request submittal and removal:  

The last day to submit a hazardous/chemical waste removal request will be Wednesday, December 4, 2024 and the last day for hazardous materials personnel to remove waste from labs/generation areas will be Friday, December 6, 2024.

The last day to submit a biowaste removal request will be Thursday, December 5,2024 and the last day for hazardous materials personnel to remove biohazardous waste from labs/generation areas will be MondayDecember 9, 2024.

Any waste removal requests that we receive after the deadline above will be picked up after we resume our normal waste removal schedule on January 2nd, 2025.

The Hazardous Materials Team wishes each of you a very happy and safe holiday season.

OES presents at Compliance and Ethics Week

As part of Clemson University Compliance and Ethics Week,  OES presented  “Hot topics in OES “ on Wednesday October 23, 2024 in the Cooper Library.

Jeff Anthony Occupational Safety Manager  presented on “Incident Reporting “ and Anne Kogut, Industrial Hygiene Manager presented on “Working Safely with 3D printers”.

OES Installs AED at Clemson Centre

In order to enhance safety for Clemson employees and local businesses at Clemson Centre, OES has installed an AED near the first floor elevator.  

Chris Weber, Chemical and Laboratory Safety Manager has conducted four training sessions in the last two weeks to certify Clemson employees operating from Clemson Centre in CPR and AED use (American Red Cross certification).  32 individuals attended these sessions and successfully completed the course requirements.  These individuals represented several Clemson organizations including OES, Business Intelligence, Office of the Board of Trustees, Research Compliance, Procurement and Business Services, Office of Internal Auditing, and Risk Services and Insurance.  2 individuals representing a private business at Clemson Centre also attended these sessions. All attendees were instructed on the location, features, and operation of the recently purchased and installed AED at Clemson Centre.

OES Hosts 6th Annual Department Safety Coordinator Retreat

On August 1, 2024, OES hosted the 6th annual DSC retreat.  With over 65 attendees, vendors and presentations on Hazardous Materials, Ergonomics, Hazard Communication, Safety of 3D Printers and Accident Reporting, the retreat was a huge success.  Special Thanks to Nicole Rudinsky for her presentation on the Safety Programs  for Campus Recreation.  Several awards were also presented to the following Departments and DSCs:

For Departments Outstanding Safety Performance and Promoting a Positive Safety Culture

Campus Recreation

University Facilities Life Safety

Godley-Snell Research Center

For Outstanding Department Safety Coordinator

Bradley Rauh – Genetics and Biochemistry

Rebecca Ackerman – Biology Department

Timothy Nix – University Facilities

Congratulations to all the award recipients.

Thank you to all the DSCs for your  unwavering support of safety throughout the CU Community!


Beat the Heat

OES Encourages everyone to “BEAT THE HEAT”

As summer arrives and with the weather predictions for next week of extreme heat it is a great time to remind everyone of heat stress hazards.  OES has developed a Fact Sheet on Heat Stress that can be found at the following link Heat Stress Fact Sheet.pdf (clemson.edu)

There is also a short online training available on SciShield at https://clemson.bioraft.com/node/1894633 .

OES encourage everyone to read the Fact Sheet and watch the training to be better prepared to “beat the heat.”

Have  a safe and healthy summer!

OES Coordinates Audiometric Testing for CU employees in the Hearing Conservation Program

OES Industrial Hygiene Team members Tanner Finney, Blake Robinson, Andrea Conner and Anne Kogut coordinated annual audiometric testing with Workplace Integra. Annual Hearing tests are required for employees that work in high noise areas. A total of 79 employees participated from the following departments University Facilities Landscape Service, Campus Utilities, Maintenance Construction Mason Shop, Maintenance Carpentry Shop, Piedmont REC, Chemistry, Office of Animal Resources and Athletic Grounds and Fields. Thank you for all that participated in this program.

Tanner Finney, Blake Robinson and Andrea Conner

ClemsonLIFE™ Health and Safety Graduates

OES partnered with the ClemsonLIFE™ Hospitality Certificate Program to provide health and safety training to five Hospitality Certificate students.  The students attended nine classes on such topics as general safety, emergency plans, fire extinguishers, shop safety, Personal Protective Equipment, Hazard Communication, Bloodborne Pathogens, Ergonomics, and Hazardous Materials Spills. At the completion of their training, they received OSHA 10-hour cards and training certificates.  OES enjoyed developing the training programs that include many interactive activities for the students. 

Introduction to OSHA:  Jeff Anthony

Emergency Action Procedures/ Fire Extinguisher Training (hands on):  Jeff Anthony, Tony Winchester

Walking and Working Surfaces:  Jeff Anthony, Tony Winchester

Machine Guarding/Electrical Safety:  Jeff Anthony, Tony Winchester

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):  Anne Kogut, Andrea Conner

Hazard Communication:  Anne Kogut, Andrea Conner

Ergonomics:  Anne Kogut, Blake Robinson

Bloodborne Pathogens:  Kerri Kwist

Hazardous Spill Cleanup training:  June Brock Carroll, Tony Craig, O’bryan Machado, Drew Strickland

Congratulations to June Brock-Carroll for 30 years of service!

OES congratulates and thanks June Brock Carroll for 30 years of service to Clemson University.  June manages programs in Environmental Compliance including Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous Materials Shipping, Hazardous Materials Transport and SPCC/UST Compliance.  June also serves as a national Board Member on the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM).  Thank you June for all you do and all you have done for 30 years at Clemson University!