Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Spring 23 Online Instruction Development Training Calendar

 Check out our Spring 2023 Online Instruction Development Calendar to see what live training we have to support you.  Spring 2023 Online Instruction Development Calendar Demonstrations, Presentations, and Workshops! We have a robust Spring semester lineup of topics and live training formats to support your use of Canvas and other e-learning tools. Topics cover demonstrations […]

Academic Integrity for Finals

Start planning for those final exams now – don’t wait until the last minute to set up the tools you need. Ensuring Academic Integrity during Finals Week The most effective way to ensure academic integrity is to assign exams and other assessments that are original, incorporate active learning, and can’t be found on the Internet. […]

Formative Assessments in Canvas

 Learn why formative assessments should be included in online teaching and how to use them to improve your course.  Assessments are your primary means of gathering information about your learners’ progression as they master the knowledge and skills you aim to teach. While there is a range of types of assessments, we are going to […]

Follow Up Friday

If you are preparing to use LockDown Browser and Monitor for your summer final exams, use these strategies to make the experience painless for you and your learners! On Monday, we shared tools and settings that you can use to help ensure academic integrity. You can read it here! If you plan on using Respondus LockDown Browser […]

Ensuring Academic Integrity for Summer Final Exams

Ensuring academic integrity requires just a little bit of preparation. Read more to learn about the tools that can help. Now that it is the end of the summer term and your learners are hard at work on preparing final projects or essays and studying for final exams, we want to remind you of two […]

Follow Up Friday

Follow Up Friday: from the archives & upcoming events From the Archives This month, we are focusing on support: learner support, and support for you! Supporting your learners’ mastery of course material comes in many forms. One of the best means of supporting them is providing a concrete model of expectations they can follow when […]

Follow Up Friday: Assignments, Scaffolding, for Avoiding Academic Integrity Issues

  Maintaining Academic Integrity Assignment Design Consider mixing up the design of your assessments and assignments to remove the incentive for engaging in academic dishonesty. Where possible, design assignments and tests that require the use of resources such as notes, textbooks, and approved external sources. Clearly and plainly explain the rules of using these resources […]

Finals Preparation: Lockdown Browser & Room Check Strategy

  Lockdown Browser and Room Check Strategies Lockdown Browser As we prepare for final examinations Clemson Online wants to remind you about Lockdown Browser and to provide a best practice if you need your learners to remotely demonstrate that their exam space is free from notes. Lockdown Browser, in a nutshell, allows you to maintain […]

Learning from Failures: Timely and Helpful Feedback with Rubrics

Learning from Failure: Timely and Helpful Feedback with Rubrics Providing timely, concrete, and supportive feedback is a cornerstone of student success. But providing this quality feedback, especially if you teach multiple sections and/or large sections, becomes especially difficult if not outright impossible.    Failure:  When teaching a class of 30 or so students, I would […]

Follow Up Friday

Follow Up Friday: Using Canvas for Final Exams, In Case You Missed It, and Upcoming Events Welcome to another Follow Up Friday! As we approach the end of the term, we wanted to bring some resources to your attention as you prepare for final exams. Did you know that there are a couple of Canvas […]