Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

October Kaltura Training and Accessibility

Ready to become an expert Kaltura user? Read on to learn about the final Fall semester training dates and how Kaltura can help you keep your videos accessible. Kaltura Training Dates We are excited to hold another round of Kaltura training in October! If you missed these special training sessions over the summer or in […]

Active Discussion Boards

Want your discussion board to be active with conversation? Try these tips to improve the quality of the experience for your learners. Active Discussion Boards Encouraging active conversation on discussion boards can be tricky but what makes it difficult in an education setting is that they need to be active and of a certain quality. […]

Fall 2022 Kaltura Training

Missed the opportunity to attend the Kaltura training events over the summer? Then be sure to register for the Fall sessions in September and October to get caught up! Fall 2022 Kaltura Training Program This semester we are pleased to offer two sessions of the Kaltura training program, one in September and one in October. […]

Follow Up Friday: Move Your Videos from YouTube to Kaltura

Learn why keeping your videos in Kaltura is recommended, catch up on the past week, and see what we have coming up!  From YouTube to Kaltura The benefits of moving your video content from YouTube to Kaltura greatly outweigh the potential chore of having to download from one platform and upload to the other. The […]

Follow Up Friday

Learn more about what you can do to improve your recorded lectures with Lightboard and techniques. Check out our recorded training and our Upcoming Events. From the Archives Monday, we promoted our video services and provided an overview of what this great team can do for you, which you can review here. Today, we want […]

World Distance Learning Day: Benefits to Online Learning

How can online learning be a benefit to our on-ground students? Read on to learn how online education can benefit our Clemson Tigers.  If you consider the typical online student, you may have an image of them as a working professional who is looking to advance their career and balance their work and home life. […]

Follow Up Friday

If you are preparing to use LockDown Browser and Monitor for your summer final exams, use these strategies to make the experience painless for you and your learners! On Monday, we shared tools and settings that you can use to help ensure academic integrity. You can read it here! If you plan on using Respondus LockDown Browser […]

Ensuring Academic Integrity for Summer Final Exams

Ensuring academic integrity requires just a little bit of preparation. Read more to learn about the tools that can help. Now that it is the end of the summer term and your learners are hard at work on preparing final projects or essays and studying for final exams, we want to remind you of two […]

Top Five Bookmarks

Make Things Easy with Bookmarks This month we have focused on support! Whether that is supporting your learners by using analytics or supporting yourself to avoid burnout, we want you to be empowered to perform your best. To cap off this month, we have one more tip for supporting yourself: bookmark your frequently visited websites […]

Using Analytics to Support Learners

Using Analytics to Support Learners How do you know when to offer support to your learners? We pick up on behaviors that indicate a learner is “dropping off” in the course. These might include not participating in activities or discussions, not attending class, not turning in assignments, etc. Both Canvas and Kaltura have analytics features […]