Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

From Zoom Fatigue to Virtual Classroom Engagement: 5 Ways to Boost Student Participation

Synchronous online course sessions can easily turn into passive experiences, leading to “Zoom fatigue” and disengaged students. But with the right strategies, virtual classrooms can become interactive, engaging, and effective. Here are five simple ways to improve student participation in synchronous online courses: 1. Start with an Icebreaker Kick off your session with a quick activity to […]

Gamification in Online Learning: Does it Really Work?

Gamification has become a buzzword in online education, but does adding game-like elements actually improve student engagement and learning outcomes? Some instructors are experimenting with features like badges, leaderboards, and point-based rewards to motivate students, but the effectiveness of these strategies seems to depend on how they are implemented. At its core, gamification is about […]