We are celebrating our newest QM course certifications for Farhang Forghanparast and Chelsea McKelvey.
Three Clemson faculty members describe how the review process improved their courses for students.
The workshop guides you through evaluating your own online or hybrid course and developing a plan for improvement.
We are proud to announce the conclusion of our second Quality Matters Cohort at Clemson University! Six faculty members submitted […]
Clemson Online is excited to announce the certification of two more courses: ED 803 taught by Anna Morrison and WFB 6340 taught by Lillie Langlois.
Here is more detail on the QM standards related to Instructional Materials.
Let us dispel a few common myths we've heard related to QM course reviews.
We have opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation and teaching with Canvas.
Our second annual QM Cohort is making great progress, having recently completed the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop.
Clemson Online is proud to announce the official Quality Matters (QM) certification this fall of two courses by Dr. Seth McKelvey and Dr. Pooja Puneet!
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