Learn how to leverage online tools and platforms to facilitate collaboration, discussion, and interactive problem-solving.
Gamification incorporates game design principles into educational settings to enhance engagement.
By using different mediums, instructors can appeal to a variety of learning styles, reinforcing key concepts and aiding retention.
By giving students more options with their assignments, educators can make the educational process more engaging.
Boosting students' feelings of competence, highlighting the relevance of course material and assignments, and sparking learners' curiosity will all help to increase their motivation.
Learn more about designing online courses for accessibility, including general accessibility practices and helpful tools.
Here are some strategies to ensure your online learners stay engaged, attentive, and active throughout the course.
Learn more about Turnitin's various features, including the similarity layer, AI score, and feedback studio.
We are making it even easier to connect by booking a session with us directly through the Faculty Resource Center's Zoom scheduling.
This follow-up session demonstrates additional program functions, including new item banks, stimulus questions, and New Quiz reports.
Visit our website or use the direct links below for more:
Self-enroll in our Faculty Resource Center for up to the semester information about online teaching at Clemson:
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