Web Services Blog

Image Standards and Photography

Image Standards:
Images should be used at 100% of their size at 72 dpi for best loading time for the page.

The better format for posting photography online. JPEG images can contain millions of colors and can be compressed to your desired size. We recommend:
Photoshop Quality level 80 — small images
Photoshop Quality level 60 — large images

Generally used for non-photographic images of 256 colors or less, such as buttons, icons and arrows.

When using photography, make sure to follow copyright regulations. When appropriate, give credit to photographers.

The images owned by Clemson University may be used on Clemson University Web sites. Photos are available for download from Photo Services . If you need further photography assistance, you may contact Creative Services or fill out the request form for Photo Services.

For more information, see: Brand Guidelines/Photography.