May 29, 2024
Serita Acker, the esteemed Executive Director of PEER WISE, recently took the stage as the keynote speaker at the National Convening on the State of Mental Health in STEM. This significant event brought together professionals and thought leaders from across disciplines to discuss the intersection of STEM and mental health. Acker’s keynote address highlighted the critical need for rest in our work and the importance of listening and empowering our leaders.
May 22, 2024
At PEER & WISE, our mission revolves around one central theme: ensuring every student within CECAS has an unforgettable Clemson experience. And to achieve this, we’ve recently welcomed Levi Roach as our Outreach & Operations Manager. With a wealth of diverse experiences and a passion for fostering connections, Levi is set to make an indelible mark on our team.
May 16, 2024
We’re thrilled to welcome Stephanie Henry as the new Associate Director of Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) here at PEER & WISE. With a passion for youth outreach and a wealth of experience in student services, Stephanie brings a fresh perspective and boundless enthusiasm to our team.
May 14, 2024
Ah, summer—the perfect time for students to relax, recharge, and make the most of their experiences, whether they’re embarking on an internship, co-op, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), or job opportunity. As you dive into this exciting chapter of your academic journey, I’m here to offer some invaluable advice on how to maximize your summer and truly thrive wherever you are.