Physics and Astronomy Blog

SPS wins Club Award in Clemson CES Fit Run 5k

Thanks again everyone for coming out to run the Clemson CES Fit Run 5k. A special thanks to Dr. Hugo Sanabria and Patti Larsen for joining us in representing our department. While Mathematical Science took home the department award for the second straight year, the Society of Physics Students won the club award. Our very […]

Clemson study may help solar energy

A team of Clemson researchers from the Nanomaterials Center may have found a way to improve the range of electric cars. Read the article in the Anderson Independent.

Drs. Podila and Rao featured in Nanowerk Spotlight

Research from the laboratories of Dr. Ramakrishna Podila and Dr. Apparao Rao was recently featured in the Nanowerk Nanotechnology Spotlight. The spotlight summarizes their journal article entitled, “Defect-Engineered Graphene for High-Energy- and High-Power-Density Supercapacitor Devices,” published in Advanced Materials this past June. Read the full text of the spotlight here.

3rd Annual Mini-Workshop on Medical Physics Research

Medical Physics Group of the Department of Physics & Astronomy and Medical Beam Laboratories, LLC Contacts: Prof. Endre Takacs ( and Donald Medlin ( Location: Kinard Laboratory, Lecture Hall 101 Program (13:00 – 13:10) Opening Remarks Endre Takacs, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Clemson University (13:10 – 13:45) Title: “Monte Carlo […]

Medical Physics Seminar Series on the use of the Geant4 Simulation Package

The Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation environment was developed at CERN for the modeling of the interaction of particles and radiation with matter. Its use spans from high-energy physics through astrophysics to medical physics applications. The Medical Physics Group at the Department of Physics and Astronomy implemented the package on the Palmetto Cluster to run simulations […]

Dr. Ajello featured in “NASA’s Fermi Mission Expands its Search for Dark Matter”

Congratulations to our very own Dr. Marco Ajello for being featured in the NASA story, NASA’s Fermi Mission Expands its Search for Dark Matter. Dr. Ajello and his collaborators from NASA’s Fermi Mission utilized data from the Large Area Telescope (LAT) to analyze possible sources of the extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGB). In a paper published in the April 14 […]

Department seeking candidates for faculty positions in Astrophysics and Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Clemson University seeks candidates to fill two faculty positions in Astrophysics and Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics at the tenure-track Assistant Professor or higher level to begin August 15, 2017. The successful candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous externally funded research program and teach at both […]

Symposium for the Introduction to Research in Physics and Astronomy (SIRPA) 2016

The Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student body is excited to announce that this year’s 5th annual Symposium for the Introduction to Research in Physics and Astronomy (SIRPA) will feature key-note speaker, Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus! SIRPA 2016, scheduled for Monday, August 15th, will be held in the new Watt Family Innovation Center. Physics graduate students and […]

Dr. Emil Alexov awarded $1.5M NIH grant

Congratulations to Dr. Emil Alexov for receiving a $1.5M R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to maintain and further develop DelPhi, the popular method for modeling electrostatics in molecular biology. The new development includes (a) modeling non-electrostatic quantities as temperature, ion and particle flux, just to name a few; (b) expanding DelPhi capabilities to model large objects as molecular machineries, […]