Savannah Valley District

November To-Do-List

Laura Lee Rose, Horticulture Agent – County Coordinator   Continue with the gardening chores you didn’t finish last month. It is still an excellent time to plant woody trees and shrubs. Plant ones grown in small containers (one- or three-gallon) as they will establish as well, if not better than larger ones, at a fraction […]

Congratulations to the New Rural Health Agent

Jevencia Hill, Rural Health Agent – Colleton and Hampton Jevencia Hill completed a Bachelor of Human Services degree at the University of South Carolina. She has over ten years of public services and human services experience. Since completing her degree, Jevencia has worked in the long-term care, mental health, and human services professions. She is […]

4-H Poultry Show

Orangeburg County Fair October 8, 2022, was the perfect day for 24 youths from around the state to show how well they have worked with their 4-H chickens. At 9:30 am, the youth entered posters and coop decorations in the fun part of the show. By 10:00 am, the attitudes changed and became more serious […]

Hampton County Peanut Maturity

Rogan Gibson, Agronomic Crops Agent – Allendale and Hampton As peanut harvest in the county is underway, the common question is whether the peanut crop is fully mature. Harvesting peanuts early or too late could be a few hundred pounds per acre difference, which could equal $46/ac left in the field due to loss if […]

Allendale County Peanut Maturity

Rogan Gibson, Agronomic Crops Agent – Allendale and Hampton As peanut harvest in the county is underway, the common question is whether the peanut crop is fully mature. Harvesting peanuts early or too late could be a few hundred pounds per acre difference, which could equal $46/ac left in the field due to loss if […]

Know Diabetes by Heart

Michelle Altman, Rural Health Agent-Hampton County Obesity is defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as an adult who has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or above. A BMI of 25-29 is considered medically overweight. To determine your BMI use the CDC’s Body Mass Index calculator: Obesity can lead to heart […]

Soil Moisture Sensor Placement

Becky Davis, Water Resources Agent Properly irrigating crops with the optimal amount and timing can improve crop yields without causing runoff and loss of nutrients to ground and surface waters. However, before irrigating any plant or crop, information should be gathered to determine when it is necessary. This information a.k.a. data, can come in various […]

Hazards at Harvest Time: Safety Tips for Farmers

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent Long hours, changing weather conditions, large machinery, and the urgency to get the crop in make fall harvest an especially hazardous time for farmers. Stress and human error can lead to farm injuries and fatalities while gathering crops. Remember that YOU are your most valuable tool on the farm, […]

Fall Cover Crops

Rob Last, Horticulture Extension Agent October can be a fantastic time to establish cover crops regardless of whether you are a home gardener or a commercial grower. Cover crops have several benefits to the soil through raising the organic matter. Granted, raising organic matter can take time to achieve. The use of cover crops can […]

The Dangers of Working Alone on the Farm

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent The isolated nature of farming, which appeals to many, means that farmers are often working alone in remote locations. There are numerous hazards when working on the farm and they vary depending on the commodity. Some common dangers include tractors, implements, and other equipment, using hazardous chemicals, grain harvest […]