South Carolina Crops

2022 Dicamba Trainings – Virtual and In-Person Opportunities

Dicamba training will be mandatory again in 2022 for applicators who wish to purchase and apply dicamba herbicide products.

Two training programs will be offered in the month of January on Zoom and one in-person training directly following the conclusion of the State Cotton Growers Meeting in Santee, SC on January 25th. Participants will receive 1 hour of recertification credit towards their pesticide license as well for attending.

To register for the program date you plan to attend please use the Eventbrite link provided below:

January 18th – 5:30pm to 6:30pm

January 20th – 10:30am until 11:30am

For additional details please view the attached flyer or contact your local Extension agent.

To view the training announcement click here: 2022 Dicamba Training Flyer