South Carolina Crops

Dicamba Herbicide Update – EPA Issues Existing Stocks Order

This is a follow-up to the February 6, 2024 court ruling where Xtendimax, Engenia, and Tavium herbicide labels were vacated by a federal court in Arizona. The Arizona court order prohibits sale or distribution of these three dicamba products after February 6, 2024. On February 14, 2024, the EPA issued an existing stocks order for […]

Dicamba Labels Vacated by Federal Court in Arizona

On February 6, 2024, the U.S. District Federal Court in Tucson, Arizona vacated or canceled Xtendimax, Engenia, and Tavium herbicide labels because the EPA did not follow proper procedures during the public comment period when dicamba was reregistered in 2020 for use in dicamba tolerant cotton and soybean. This means that these herbicide products cannot […]

Post-Harvest Weed Control Options in Corn

Corn harvest in South Carolina typically begins in August. The weeds remaining after harvest can contribute to future infestations. This is because we have several months of good growing conditions for weeds after harvest. For example, Palmer amaranth, sicklepod, and annual morningglory can continue to grow and produce seed. Palmer amaranth is capable of producing […]

Water Requirements for Activating Preemergence Herbicides

With rain visiting our state today, the topic of how much rainfall does it take is timely. Surface applied herbicides, such as Prowl or Valor, typically need a minimum amount water after application to properly “activate” in the upper soil profile. Activation means the herbicide is dissolved in the soil water solution and readily absorbed […]

Mid-Season POST Herbicides in Peanut

With most of the state getting an abundance (some places an over-abundance) of rain over the past week, expect weed flushes to begin in earnest. As most plantings are approaching or past the 28-to-30-day mark, there are several options for us once field conditions permit over-the-top spraying. A paraquat program in peanut either tank mixed […]

2021 Reminder – Dicamba Spray Guidelines

As folks gear up (early planted crops may have already sprayed) for using dicamba (Engenia, Xtendimax, Tavium) in cotton and soybean, some reminders for applicators. These herbicides can only be applied by certified applicators (restricted use pesticide) that have taken the required dicamba training in 2021. The last day of permitted applications of these dicamba […]

2021 Pest Management Handbook – Available Online

The Pest Management Handbook is a set of recommendations developed by Clemson University Extension pest management specialists and university researchers for South Carolina growers. These recommendations were derived from various sources of information available to these contributors at times prior to publishing this handbook and represent their current views on managing field crop pests based […]