South Carolina Crops

2021 Fall VC Peanut News

The 2021 Fall edition of the Virginia-Carolinas Peanut News is now available online at:

Peanut – Sprays and pods near end of season

Peanut planted near the end of April are near 110 to 120 DAP. Depending on cultivar maturity development and requirements in individual fields, the growing season is starting to draw to a close with harvest of earliest planted fields beginning in the coming weeks. Later plantings and longer maturing runners’ time will come later on. […]

Peanut, Horticulture, and Agronomic Crops Field Day – Sept. 2nd – Blackville, SC

Clemson University has scheduled an in-person field day at the Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville, SC for September 2nd, 2021. Registration will be from 8-9AM. The morning program will consist of concurrent peanut and horticultural crop programs followed by lunch. After lunch an agronomic crops (cotton, corn, soybean) session will begin and conclude at 4PM. Please […]

Scouting for Diseases, VBC

Lesions on the Leaf Late leaf spot is starting to be found in more fields this week, including those with timely and expensive fungicide programs. Switching modes of action and/or including Bravo or sulfur in with the next fungicide application, or tank mixing a systemic product with bravo (e.g., if the previous spray was bravo) […]

Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Disease Update

In the last two weeks, most of us have received large amounts of rainfall. Daily rainfall of over 2 inches was observed in many areas and several places got 5+ inches of rain in those two weeks. In general, the rainfall was good for crops. However, it also increased our odds of getting foliar diseases […]

Peanut Leaf Spot and Growth Regulator Timing

This week some of the first late leaf spot lesions have been observed on-farm where fungicide applications have been timely at 45 and 60 DAP. This was a few lesions in a limited area and not widespread across the field. Along these lines, this could be the result of variation in spray coverage or penetration […]

Cotton, Soybean, and Peanut Scouting Schools – Scheduled

Scouting School dates are set for our 2021 in-field, in-person workshops devoted to scouting for insect issues in cotton, soybeans, and peanut. The dates and locations for these scouting workshops are below. See attachments to preregister and for more details. • 28 July in Manning, SC, at the Clarendon Extension Office (21 West Rigby Street, […]

Peanuts – Patch of Dead Peanuts, CV Pictures

More than one way to skin a cat, more than one reason a patch of peanuts can be dead in a field. Drowned in a bottom, struck by lightning, killed by disease, terminated by herbicide, and other woes… Zinc toxicity can also be fatally toxic. Aside from a soil test report indicating elevated levels, visual […]