June 5, 2024
Corn across SC is at various growth stages and experiencing a wide range of environmental conditions. Much of the state had abundant rainfall most of March, prohibiting field work and fertilizer applications to be made, delaying planting. In other areas, corn was able to get planted early and emerged looking great. As we shifted into […]
June 7, 2023
Across the state, the earliest planted corn I have looked at is looking very good as we begin to see tassels emerge and pollen shed. In many cases, a lot of our earliest planted corn this year has been under irrigation which sets us up to produce a very good crop. However, we are not […]
August 30, 2021
I hope everyone has had a good weekend. In response to this weekend’s Soybean Rust Update from Jonathan Croft, Joe Varn, and Dr. Mueller about confirming soybean rust on soybean in Bamberg, South Carolina, I wanted to provide a few recommendations as we begin applying fungicides or considering doing so. The crop progress report from […]
August 19, 2021
Peanut planted near the end of April are near 110 to 120 DAP. Depending on cultivar maturity development and requirements in individual fields, the growing season is starting to draw to a close with harvest of earliest planted fields beginning in the coming weeks. Later plantings and longer maturing runners’ time will come later on. […]
August 17, 2021
SOUTH CAROLINA SOYBEAN RUST NEWS NOTE 14 August 2021 FROM: Jonathan Croft, Clemson Extension Agronomic Agent, Joe Varn, Clemson Extension Agronomic Agent, and Dr. John Mueller, Extension Soybean Pathologist, Edisto Research and Education Center. SOYBEAN RUST HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA AS OF 14 August 2021. During the week of August 8th – […]
July 30, 2021
SOUTH CAROLINA SOYBEAN RUST NEWS NOTE 30 July 2021 FROM: Jonathan Croft, Clemson Extension Agronomic Agent, Joe Varn, Clemson Extension Agronomic Agent, and Dr. John Mueller, Extension Soybean Pathologist, Edisto Research and Education Center. SOYBEAN RUST HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA AS OF 30 JULY 2021. During the week of July 26th – […]
July 26, 2021
SOUTH CAROLINA SOYBEAN RUST NEWS NOTE 26 July 2021 FROM: Jonathan Croft, Clemson Extension Agronomic Agent, Joe Varn, Clemson Extension Agronomic Agent, and Dr. John Mueller, Extension Soybean Pathologist, Edisto Research and Education Center. SOYBEAN RUST HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA AS OF 25 JULY 2021. During the week of July 19th – […]
July 14, 2021
Corn Everyone had to watch as Elsa passed over South Carolina over the last few days. Fortunately, for the most part if you were off the coast rainfall and winds stayed in the manageable levels. However, it very well may have blown spores into our state for several diseases including Southern rust on corn, soybean […]
June 29, 2021
CORN Fungicides As we close in on the 4th of July, we need to consider our possible fungicide applications on corn and soybean. Weather is one of the big drivers for foliar diseases in both of these crops. The worst-case scenario is not a mid-afternoon thunderstorm which delivers 1+ inches of rain but then the […]
June 18, 2021
The majority of our corn crop is at VT or R1 and this is the appropriate time to start making the decision whether or not to spray a fungicide. Observations from South Carolina corn fields: At the Edisto REC Dr. Plumblee and I have walked several fields and the corn is very clean when it […]
June 11, 2021
Peanuts planted the last week of April are reaching 45 DAP this week. Fungicide programs for leaf spot should begin no later than 45 DAP and starting closer to 40 or 30 DAP can be warranted in fields with a history of challenging disease pressure, later plantings, volunteers nearby, and similar risk factors. If rains […]
June 11, 2021
With extensive rains occurring across much of South Carolina in the last week our corn crop is getting back on track and more than half of it is in the process of tasseling. This is the growth stage where most growers will be deciding whether to spray a fungicide for foliar diseases. Here are a […]