As we approach the holiday season, I wanted to reach out and thank you for your contributions and responses to TIGERs GPS. In a world seemingly increasingly polarized and more complex, it is important to create a space for us all to have open and civil dialogue with each other. One of the things to […]
I don’t remember a time before war. On September 11th, 2001, I was only in third grade and the events of that day shaped the world I grew up in. I don’t remember a time we weren’t sending troops to the Middle East; I had never flown on a plane before the implementation of the […]
With the Harvey Weinstein / Hollywood sexual assault stories in the news lately, I’ve found myself thinking on the perils of the language we use to frame important topics. Publications on instances of rape, assault, and harassment tend to be phrased passively, like the headlines “1 in 4 Women Experience Sex Assault on Campus” from […]
Since the new administration has begun its time in leadership, we have beheld the eruption of social justice issues, a resurgence of communities of hate, and further divide created amongst Americans. I, like so many others, took to the leadership to find direction, and I find it perplexing that we have arrived at a place […]
In 2011, as part of a push by the Obama Administration to address statistics making headlines about college campus sexual assault, then- Vice President Joe Biden announced the “Dear Colleague Letter.” This letter, issued by the Office of Civil Rights, reaffirmed the responsibilities of public schools in instances of on-campus student-to-student sexual harassment and assault […]
As mid-sized farming has seen a drastic decline over the past several decades, more local mid-sized farmers have to be creative to maintain sustainability. With increasing support from local towns to create fresh farmers markets for local small town farmers, many of those who would fall in the middle ground of farming, have had nowhere […]
In the last 20 years, the American political climate has undergone a change even Al Gore could not have predicted. 1997 had us poised at the dawn of a new millennium, full of hope and the dream of a super-technological future that would bring peace and prosperity. We were the kings of the world, as […]
Climate change is the prime example where science can be used to settle disputes among parties for the common good. Persistent doubt about climate change has made solving the issue ineffective. Rather than argue about what we can’t agree on, what does science tell us that we can all agree on? Fossil fuels (oil, gas, […]
Welcome to the first edition of Clemson University’s TIGERs GPS – Government and Public Service Blog. We are excited to begin this blogging journey with you as we continue to learn from each other and share stories, best practices and other ponderings in this forum. This blog also presents an opportunity to build on skill […]
The Soviet Union sent the first man into space, as well as the first woman and the first dog. An American was the first human to step on the lunar surface. China has built the world’s largest radio telescope. Arguably, the three countries, with Russia as an unchallenged successor of the Soviet Union, have the […]