Name: Turner Bishop
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Major: Economics Minors: Finance and Entrepreneurship
Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Loose Change
Favorite spot on campus: The Dikes. I LOVE watching the sunset whether it be while going for a walk with friends or even doing homework.
Favorite question on a tour: What are your favorite outdoor activities? Well, other than football games there are so many fun outdoor adventures just waiting for you on and off campus. I love hiking mountains, going to Y-beach and the rowing docks, and I love walking on the dikes at sunset.
Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Alpha Phi Omega, Clemson Stock Club, Clemson Blockchain, and last but not least… CUGA!!!
Hobbies: I love the outdoors (specifically mountains), soccer, exercising, and listening to music
Advice for jumping into college life: Don’t be nervous (everyone else is just as nervous). Be outgoing and don’t be afraid to meet new people!
Advice on how to choose a college: Find somewhere that feels like a home away from home. Sure, academics are important, but find somewhere that makes you feel like you are part of a big family, not just a school.
Fun fact about yourself: I have hiked at nearly every mountain within 2 hours of Clemson’s campus.