
Ashley McCollum

Name: Ashley McCollum

Hometown: Spartanburg, South Carolina

Major: Biological Sciences     Minor: American Sign Language

Favorite place for lunch (on campus or in town): Cocobowls (BEST Acai Bowls)

Favorite spot on campus: The Outdoor Patio and Holtzendorff Hall

Favorite question on a tour: “Are the season ticket passes available for parents to get for the football games?” This is my favorite question because many of the parents on the tours have attended or watched the Clemson Football games. Personally, my own father continues to ask me this question but I always have to reassure him that it is only available to students. However, Clemson really emphasizes student life and involvement which is the reason why there is a season ticket option for students to purchase if they choose not to participate in the ticket lottery system.

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Clemson Undergraduate Student Government (CUSG), Orientation Ambassador, Student Alumni Council, Clemson Gospel Choir, ASL Club, COSMIC and Coffee Club

Hobbies: Playing soccer, going out for a scenic drive, taking pictures of food, and rock climbing.

Advice for jumping into college life: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are so many resources that are provided to you that can help guide your college experience. I would also say attend office hours and get to know your professor because that will help you to succeed in your classes. They want to get to know you and help you.

Advice on how to choose a college: Pick a college that can imagine yourself expanding and becoming a great student academically and socially! It truly makes a difference when you get a slight tug on your hear when touring campus because you know then that this is a place where opportunities can blossom.

Fun fact about yourself: I have never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my life! (I pride myself off of that too!)