
Haley Gonzalez


Name: Haley Gonzalez

Hometown: Mooresville, North Carolina

Majors: Biological Sciences and Psychology

Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Loose Change – the best wraps + fried pickles!!

Favorite spot on campus: Business school patio on a nice day – you get a perfect view of Bowman field and campus life!

Favorite question on a tour: My favorite question on a tour is “Why did you choose Clemson?”. I always enjoy getting to talk about all that Clemson has provided me and why I love it here so much.

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Student Alumni Council, Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, and tour guides 🙂

Hobbies: I absolutely love going on day trips with friends. Going anywhere new, hanging out with awesome people, and finding great food is the best combination. 

Advice for jumping into college life: Get involved!! Freshman year especially is such a big transition, so getting involved and meeting new communities of people is the best thing you can do to get settled!

Advice on how to choose a college: Choose somewhere that makes you proud to be a student. A lot of colleges can provide an academic challenge but it’s so special to find a place that makes you passionate about going there. 

Fun fact about yourself: I’m certified to give vaccines!