Kaki Cobb


Name: Kaki Cobb

Hometown: Charleston, South Carolina

Major: Financial Management                Minor: Accounting

Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Pot Belly Deli or Spill the Beans!

Favorite spot on campus: Douthit Starbucks, where all of my Paw Points go

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Tri Delta, Tour Guides, Honors College, and Freshman Council

Hobbies: Walking the dikes, drinking coffee, reading at the beach

Advice for jumping into college life: Do something that makes you uncomfortable! College is meant for growth, and this will only happen if you get involved and challenge yourself. Also, freshman year is the best opportunity to do so!

Advice on how to choose a college: When touring schools, look for somewhere that will give you chills in the most random place—this happened to me under library bridge!

Fun fact about yourself: I am ambidextrous!