
Kelsey Corrigan


Name: Kelsey Corrigan

Hometown: Libertyville, Illinois 

Major: Graphic Communication

Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Loose Change

Favorite spot on campus: Library Bridge

Favorite question on a tour: Why did you choose Clemson all the way from Chicago, and what was the transition like? I love sharing my story about how my entire family went from knowing nothing about Clemson to absolutely falling in love with the University, the people, traditions, history and sports!

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Student Government, ADPi, FCA, Chick Fil a Club and Friday Morning Swim!

Hobbies: Reading, playing piano (currently taking the class at Clemson as an elective!!), running, doing anything and everything outside

Advice for jumping into college life: Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. You’re about to enter a season of life with an amazing potential to grow!! Try something new! Get involved! Meet as many people as possible!

Advice on how to choose a college: Pay attention to students’ desire for involvement and growth at your schools! For me, I could tell that Clemson was a ‘YES’ school. Students here genuinely push themselves to grow, and say yes to every challenge and opportunity to set before them. People here realize that college is exactly what you make of it, and that’s just what we do!

Fun fact about yourself: One time I drove from Clemson to Nashville and back all in the same night to see a concert at the Rhyman! Awesome experience but I would never do it again.