Parker Le

Name: Parker Le

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

Major: Biological Sciences     Minor: Business Administration

Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Backstreets

Favorite spot on campus: Bowman Field

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Pi Kappa Alpha, Chapman Scholar, Sales Innovation Program, Clemson Waterski Club, Tour Guides

Advice for jumping into college life: Take it one day at a time! You are taking one of the biggest steps of your life, enjoy it. Do what makes you happy and what you want to do, not what anyone tells you to do.

Advice on how to choose a college: Everyone has their own list of criteria for what they want in a school, so write yours. This decision is for the next 4 years of your life, so make it about you. I fell in love with Clemson after a single tour, and I applied to be a tour guide 3 weeks later. That doesn’t mean that you have to though! You will know when you feel at home.

Fun fact about yourself: Neither of my parents were born in the country. My mom was born in England, and my dad was born in Vietnam.