Inside Clemson

PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE: Statement from Smyth McKissick, chair of the Presidential Search Committee

The presidential search committee has completed an important phase of its work – defining the leadership characteristics we are seeking in the 15th president of Clemson University. The input from university constituent groups, including faculty, staff, students and alumni, has been extremely helpful in developing the leadership statement we will use in recruiting and assessing candidates. This statement will be available on the presidential search website early next week.

During two days of meetings, it was clear that the people we met with had taken their charge very seriously. They had reached out to their constituents, conducted broad-based surveys in many cases, and presented very meaningful information. It was clear that they are passionate about the university and want to maintain the momentum and progress that has been built during Jim Barker’s presidency. All in all, we probably heard from 125 people over the two-day period, and it was a terrific opportunity for us to hear directly from the people we represent.

We will now move into an active phase of recruiting, and plan to begin nationally advertising the position within the next few weeks. We will also invite nominations from both internal and external constituencies as well as leaders in the academic community.