The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Science and our department have completed award selections for 2021.
Clemson Bioengineering is very proud to announce that we have an award winner at the college level! Our congratulations go to Maureen Buckley for being selected as the winner of the Samuel B. Earle Award for Outstanding Senior in Engineering for the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.
The Department of Bioengineering Awards Committee is also pleased to announce the following 2021 Departmental Award winners:
Undergraduate Award Winners
S. W. Shalaby Outstanding Bioengineering Sophomore Award – Shreya Thammana
Larry S. Bowman Outstanding Bioengineering Junior Award – Sophia Hennessy
Poly-Med Outstanding Bioengineering Senior Award – Christina Hummel
Barry W. Sauer Outstanding Bioengineering Undergraduate Researcher Award – Alexandra Nukovic
Jonathan Black Undergraduate Leadership in Bioengineering Award – Amanda LeMatty
C. William Hall Undergraduate Departmental Honors Award – Lauren Davis
R. Larry Dooley Entrepreneurship Award – Robert Falconer
Eugene M. Langan III Service Award – Alexandria Tedeschi
Graduate Award Winners
Austin T. Moore Leadership Award – Timmy Samec
Outstanding Graduate Bioengineering Teaching Assistant Award – Andrew DeMaria and Amirreza Yeganegi
Page Morton Hunter Bioengineering Graduate Researcher Award – Dongkai Zhu
R. Larry Dooley Entrepreneurship Award – Fouzan Alam
Eugene M. Langan III Service Award – Toni Warnick
We feel all of our students in Bioengineering are the best around! We are very proud of all winners for their hard work and accomplishments and are disappointed that we will not be able to honor them at a corporate gathering as we have in the past prior to COVID-19 restrictions. However, we will be honoring them publicly in an alternate way soon!
We hope you all will continue good practices of social distancing and handwashing as we make our way through these unusual circumstances.