December 6, 2018
In a tour de force, four undergraduate bioengineering design teams received honors in the 2018 VentureWell and National Institutes of Health “Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams” (DEBUT) competition. Partnering with national and international clinical and industry collaborators, Clemson’s bioengineering design programs develop innovative solutions in healthcare. Jenny Bourne, editor 2018 Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams […]
April 27, 2018
Undergraduates in the Global Health Design Creative Inquiry met with Clemson alumnus Matt Cupelli at North American Rescue (NAR) in Greer, SC. The students, who have created a portable patient monitor, discussed manufacturing strategies with Mr. Cupelli. He then led them on a tour of the NAR facilities. According to Ian DeMass, a student of […]
April 27, 2018
Dr. Jordon Gilmore is one of BIOE’s newest tenure-track faculty. Among Key Personnel on Sarah Harcum’s National Science Foundation EPSCoR Track II Advanced Biomanufacturing grant, Jordon was PI on a 2016 Tiger Grant. Clemson-Citadel Joint Program Director, Jordon is an alumnus of both The Citadel’s Electrical Engineering program and Clemson’s Bioengineering program. His interests include orthopedic […]
April 24, 2018
What academic goals were you hoping to achieve through your CUBEInC Co-op? What have you actually achieved? When I first heard about CUBEInC, I was intrigued by its unique platform with Greenville Health System and its integration of the different aspects of bioengineering. As a result, I made it my main academic goal to […]
April 24, 2018
Dr. Vladimir Reukov’s team took Best Printed Poster at Clemson’s annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Poster Forum for Characterization and Application of Quantum Dots for Drug Delivery and Cancer Cell Tracking. Authors are Anastasia Frank-Kamenetskii, Aleena Thomson, Bradley Scammon, Kacie O’Neill, Lanz Pasig, Melanie Hedge, Rashes Abdel-Tawab and Will Ashley. Creative Inquiry is the imaginative combination of engaged learning, crossdisciplinary interactions and undergraduate research […]
April 24, 2018
When the undergraduate program in bioengineering was established in 2007, the Senior Design Program was a mere twinkle in the eye of Dr. John DesJardins, now Hambright Professor in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Science. By fall semester 2011, the program was established in its current form; to date, approximately 500 BIOE seniors […]
April 24, 2018
Clemson Bioengineering senior design program just went state-wide. Following on years of successful partnerships with upstate healthcare institutions, the program recently expanded its partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). “We are in our 7th year of partnering with clinicians to identify and design solutions to critical healthcare needs,” said Dr. John DesJardins, […]
November 17, 2014
If you have ever torn a rotator cuff, you would probably recognize the value of a surgical tool designed by a team of undergraduate bioengineering students. A panel including inductees of the National Inventors Hall of Fame chose the team of Ryan Gedney, Charles Laughlin, Nicholas Marais and Taylor Pate as finalists for their creativity and […]