What academic goals were you hoping to achieve through your CUBEInC Co-op? What have you actually achieved?
When I first heard about CUBEInC, I was intrigued by its unique platform with Greenville Health System and its integration of the different aspects of bioengineering. As a result, I made it my main academic goal to get a better understanding of the research, industrial, and medical perspectives of bioengineering. So far, I have collaborated with Dr. Melinda Harman, Dr. Jeoung Soo Lee and their respective graduate students on several projects and headed up a research project of my own in Dr. Lee’s 4D Lab. With this research came the opportunity to be trained on equipment such as the electrospinner, Bose, Instron, Cryostat and laser cutter.
In addition to the research, I have begun to fulfill my goal of acquiring an industrial perspective by interacting with some of CUBEInC’s partners like Diaxamed and by witnessing a few medical device demonstrations/sales in the Steadman Hawkins Bioskills Lab. Lastly, I have been able to shadow a few of the academic meetings with ATI Physical Therapy and Steadman Hawkins and sit in on a couple of cadaver surgeries. Although I have learned a lot, I realize that there is still so much more I can learn from this Co-op.
What is your main purpose at CUBEInC, and how do you accomplish it?
My main purpose at CUBEInC is to represent Clemson’s bioengineering department and act as a liaison between Clemson and GHS, CUBEInC’s industrial partners, Steadman Hawkins, ATI, and anyone else interested in working alongside CUBEInC. I accomplish this by giving tours of the facility and answering any questions regarding the equipment and staff on the floor.
What made you decide to study bioengineering?
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been drawn to medicine and helping others. Originally I was going to major in Biology and then head off to medical school. However, my senior year of high school I was invited to a Clemson Engineering event at CUICAR and got to learn about the different fields of engineering. After the event I began to research bioengineering, and realized it had everything I wanted for my education. I loved how it combined critical thinking, innovation and medicine.
What are your plans after graduation?
I am currently deciding between getting my Master’s in biomedical engineering and attending medical school. I would honestly be happy with either career path!
What do you think is the best thing about being a bioengineer at Clemson?
I would definitely say the endless opportunities the bioengineering department gives us to further develop ourselves as engineers. There are countless conferences to attend, research projects to join, speakers to learn from, and connections to be made!