College of Arts and Humanities

A Word from Dean Richard Goodstein – September 2016

Dear Friends, The school year is off to a fantastic start. More than 5,100 freshmen and transfer students have begun classes and the energy on campus is amazing! Last month I hosted a dinner for all faculty in the college who earned promotion last year. This is undoubtedly my favorite event of the year as […]

An Inside Look at the 2016-2017 Academic Year

CAAH’s calendar is in stellar shape, with special events and activities planned throughout the year. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends — there’s something here for everyone, with more to come as the year unfolds. So read on, and stay tuned. Enjoy! Heads up, CAAH students! Global engagement opportunities abound Be part of the more […]

A Word from Dean Richard Goodstein – August 2016

Dear Friends, Warm greetings from campus. As we swelter in the August heat and humidity, there is anticipation in the air for the start of the 2016-2017 school year.  A record number of matriculating freshmen are expected on campus this week and faculty who have been away for the summer are returning to their offices […]