The Clemson Cybertigers are preparing to compete this November in the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) at SC24, an event that challenges undergraduate teams to build and optimize high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. During this intense 48-hour competition, students will use a 4500W power budget to construct small clusters and tackle real-world HPC challenges. This year’s Cybertigers […]
From ClemsonNews Successfully coordinating events and meetings demands a blend of patience and exceptional communication skills. Enter Overlap – a potential game-changer in the realm of organizing and communicating meeting times and events. This innovative solution is the result of the efforts led by Noah Hubbard, a senior Finance major from Clemson University’s Wilbur O. and Ann Powers […]
From ClemsonNews Four Clemson University students have received awards from the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative, including one who won the John W. Estey Outstanding Scholar Award. The Estey Award, the most prestigious of the honors, went to Michael Walters, who is on track to graduate this year. In addition to Walters, the three Clemson […]
Paul Alongi – ClemsonNews If anyone knows the value of a scholarship, it’s Kossi Ekpe. For more than eight years, Ekpe has been splitting his time between going to college in pursuit of an electrical engineering degree and working at Chick-fil-A in Anderson. Not only has he been paying for his own education but also […]
Computer Engineering graduate students Avinash Kethineedi and Mikaila Gossman made it to the finals of the ACM Student Research Competition during this year’s Student Cluster Competition at the annual International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23). Mikaila, who is currently pursuing a PhD in computer engineering, won 2nd overall in the graduate student […]
Over the past several weeks, communities throughout the United States have dealt with rolling blackouts associated with winter storms. Grant Wilkins, Clemson University’s first-ever Churchill scholar, is working on a solution that will keep our power on and running smoothly in any weather. Wilkins, a double major in computer engineering and mathematical sciences, is one of only […]
A Clemson University senior is headed to December 2022 graduation on a high note after winning a student research competition at a leading supercomputer conference. David Krasowska graduates this month with a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering and plans to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science and engineering under Peter Dinda at Northwestern University. Krasowska’s path through Clemson underscores how research […]
Congratulations to Gabe Cutter and Grant Wilkins on being selected as part of the 2022 Astronaut Scholar Class! Astronaut Scholarships are awarded to a select number of college juniors and seniors who are studying STEM topics and intend to “pursue research or advance their field upon completion of their final degree,” according to the Astronaut […]
Clemson University junior Julio Rodriguez learned many things from his parents, but two lessons that stick out as he pushes toward graduation is the value of an education and a strong work ethic. Julio, who is majoring in electrical engineering, said that he grew up knowing that his father, Jose, and mother, Maria, wanted him […]
When Gabe Cutter was trying to decide where he would go to college, he had some choices. He picked Clemson University because he could get the in-state tuition, play in the marching band and chart a course for graduate school. He is well on his way. Gabe, now a junior with a double major in […]