Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson

Clemson Graduate Researchers, Undergrad Student Team take on Supercomputing 2023 Conference

Computer Engineering graduate students Avinash Kethineedi and Mikaila Gossman made it to the finals of the ACM Student Research Competition during this year’s Student Cluster Competition at the annual International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23).

Mikaila Gossman

Mikaila, who is currently pursuing a PhD in computer engineering, won 2nd overall in the graduate student division for her presentation “File Aggregation for Asynchronous Multi-Level Checkpointing.” More on her presentation can be found on the SC23 program website.

Also at the SC23 Conference, a team of Clemson undergraduate students competed in the Student Cluster Competition, ultimately placing 8th overall.

Team HPC Tigers included (L-R) Thomas Joseph, Ben Schlueter, Kristen Guernsey, advisor Jon Calhoun, Ainara Garcia, John Karakkattu, and Will Fey.

The six-student team, named HPC Tigers, was tasked with developing a supercomputing cluster to perform various tasks, including solving complex math problems, simulating atmospheric conditions, and studying how dense plumes move in certain environments.

The team is made up of computer engineering students Will Fey, Ainara Garcia, Kristen Guernsey, Thomas Joseph, John Karakkattu, and Benjamin Schlueter, led by faculty advisor Dr. Jon Calhoun

The HPC Tigers’ team page can be found at: https://studentclustercompetition.us/2023/Teams/Clemson/index.html 

For more information on the competition and the SC23 Conference, visit: https://sc20.supercomputing.org/program/studentssc/student-cluster-competition/